Saturday, December 5, 2015

Google Alert - JavaScript

Daily update December 6, 2015
Ars Technica
The web is built on foundations made of JavaScript, so this language is a good place to start your coding career. TechnoBuffalo Deals is currently ...
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You might have heard of some of them, like JavaScript, PHP and Ruby. Before we talk specifics, let's get one thing clear: there is no best language to ...
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Microsoft Edge's JavaScript engine to go open-source
Chakra offers best-in-class JavaScript execution with the broadest set of ES2015 feature coverage and dependable performance, reliability, and ...
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JavaScript API
Different Player version in the same page ... 2 answers posted Dec 02, 2015 10:12AM EST. Hi all, I'm having problem with my new player V7 because ...
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Web Developer
PHP LAMP and / or Strong Web Developers of all shapes and sizes needed for groundbreaking, fast growing innovative digital data solutions ...
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Spam Detector/Remover in JavaScript
Spam Detector/Remover in JavaScript. Icely wrote: You should try to prevent it from 'reporting' you if you quoted. But you could easily workaround the ...
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Previous and next links in photo view (javascript theme conflict)
(anonymous function)tribe-events-photo-view.min.js:1:4163 dispatchjquery.js:3:8554 handlejquery.js:3:5257. I'm a Javascript nitwit. Can you help me?
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Works great, but puts a bunch of JavaScript on top of page
When you load the site on mobile there is a bunch of random JavaScript that displays at the top of the page. The only way to remove is to disable the ...
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Doctor Who LIVE!! On 'Fox' s9e12 (Hell Ben)
[Doctor Who]! Doctor Who Season 9 Episode 12 : s9e12 Hell Bent Online Full Stream If you took everything from him, betrayed him, trapped him, and ...
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Lead Front End Developer - Javascript, HTML, CSS, TDD
Lead Front End Developer - Javascript, HTML, CSS, TDD - This is a newly created role for a new in house development team that will seriously disrupt ...
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Senior Fullstack Javascript Developer
We are a Vancouver based company with ten years experience and a strong client list. Our company provides cloud based software solutions for small ...
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AngularJS/JavaScript Engineer (AngularJS,JavaScript,SASS,CSS)
Job details for a AngularJS/JavaScript Engineer (AngularJS,JavaScript,SASS,CSS) job in City, London listed at - 64217695.
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