Sunday, July 7, 2013

Google Alert - Facebook

News29 new results for Facebook
Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg reschedules flight, avoids plane crash
Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg was supposed to be aboard the Asiana Airlines flight that crash-landed at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday morning. Sandberg and other execs at the social media giant escaped potential ...
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Facebook party organisers to face fines
Brisbane Times
Wild parties promoted on Facebook have become a major problem in Queensland. In Brisbane's south in March, two police officers were pelted with bricks and a council bus was damaged after about 250 young revellers turned up. Up to 1000 people in ...
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Irish Independent
LAST week Facebook announced some dramatic changes to their advertising platforms that will allow current users of Facebook ads to benefit significantly while making Facebook more appealing for businesses that have yet to use it. The overall goal, says ...
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Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg had planned to take crashed jet
Ms Sandberg posted a message on her Facebook wall within an hour of the crash to explain that while she, along with family and colleagues, had planned to take the Asiana flight, they had switched to an alternative airline in order to use up air miles.
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg booked on crashed flight; changed planes at ...
Herald Sun
FACEBOOK Chief Operating Officer (COO) Sheryl Sandberg was meant to be on the Asiana Airlines plane that crashed in San Francisco but switched flights at the last moment. Ms Sandberg was returning from a business trip to Seoul with her family and other ...
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Facebook memories page not just for people who grew up in Bellingham
What began as a research tool for novelist Ryan Winfield has blossomed into a Facebook page for people who grew up in Bellingham, or perhaps wish they had. Winfield started the open-group page - which is called "You grew up in Bellingham, WA if you ...
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Facebook Patents Point To An All-Seeing, All-Hearing Instagram Video
Facial recognition, landmark detection, and even audio cues picked up through your phone's microphone could let Instagram Video intelligently suggest a cover frame for mini-movies or even tag them, according to recent Facebook patents. The tech could ...
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Facebook's Sandberg came close to be onboard crashed Asiana flight
Facebook's chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg said on her Facebook that she was originally booked for the Asiana Airlines flight that crash landed in San Francisco International Airport on Sunday. "My family, colleagues Debbie Frost, Charlton ...
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg switches flights, avoids Asiana Air crash
Washington: Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg and other executives at the social media giant escaped potential disaster when they switched to a United flight returning from a Korean business trip. They were earlier booked on the Asiana ...
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Asiana crash: Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg was to have been on jet
Los Angeles Times
SAN FRANCISCO -- Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, had been scheduled to be on the Asiana Airlines plane that crashed at San Francisco International Airport but switched flights at the last moment. Sandberg said on her Facebook page ...
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Qantas apologises after boy sees porn on Facebook page
Qantas apologises after boy sees porn on Facebook page. ninemsn staff. 7:46am July 8, 2013. Qantas has apologised to the family of a young boy who was exposed to pornography while looking at a Lions ticket promotion on the flag carrier's Facebook page.
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Brekkie Wrap: Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg just missed plane crash, death toll ...
Herald Sun
Facebook's Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg has revealed she narrowly avoided being on the Asiana Airlines flight that crash landed in San Francisco, writing on Facebook (of course) that she was feeling grateful after swapping flights at the ...
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High achievers more prone to romantic jealousy on Facebook
Indian Express
People who are high-achieving in academics are more likely to experience feelings of romantic jealousy on Facebook, according to a new study. US researchers conducted several studies of undergraduate students and found that the higher a student's grade ...
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg Nearly Boarded Flight That Crashed in San ...
Hot Hardware
Including the crew, there were over 300 people on board the flight, and had things gone to plan, Facebook's Chief Operating Officer (COO), Sheryl Sandberg, would have been one of them. Fortunately for her, she switched flights at the last minute in ...
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Facebook COO: I was supposed to be on Asiana flight
Washington Times
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's chief operating officer, said she had planned to take the flight that crashed in San Francisco on Saturday that left two people dead and at least 180 more injured. "Taking a minute to be thankful and explain what happened," Ms.
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Custom Facebook Tab Ideas
Opposing Views
When you create a Facebook page, you have the option to add custom tabs to the header of the page. Much like your personal profile, visitors can see four tabs under the cover image and a drop-down menu to see more tabs. By default Facebook includes ...
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Facebook executive/author reschedules flight, avoids plane crash
Journal and Courier
Sheryl Sandberg was supposed to be aboard the Asiana Airlines flight that crash-landed at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday morning. But the chief operatoring officer of Facebook and other executives at the social media giant escaped ...
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg -- I Was Supposed to Be on the Plane That ...
0706_Sheryl_Sandberg_article Status Update: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was almost a passenger on the plane that crash landed in San Francisco today ... but a last minute decision to change flights spared her and her family a harrowing ordeal.
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's last minute switch saved her from San ...
Business Standard
Chief operating officer of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, escaped Saturday's disastrous Seoul-to-San Francisco flight, as she switched to a United flight returning from a Korean business trip. Sandberg switched flights so her family could use miles, which ...
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Facebook group rally booted for political stance
Cherokee Tribune
Facebook group rally booted for political stance. by Michelle Babcock Cherokee Tribune. July 07, 2013 12:30 AM | 11 views | 0 0 comments | 1 1 recommendations | email to a friend | print. The Smart Citizens Rally Against Marlow, or SCRAM!, rally ...
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Samsung, Facebook, Google execs fuel social media frenzy over SFO plane crash
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
The on-the-ground reporting had a slightly different twist this time around as the most intense posts came from one of tech's biggest executives, David Eun, head of the Open Innovation Center at Samsung, the group responsible for new products ...
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Facebook Page Created For Fallen Firefighter
A Facebook page was created for a Cal Fire engineer and paramedic who was fatally injured when struck by a vehicle while at a crash in the desert. Cal Fire Apparatus Engineer/Paramedic Christopher Douglas, 41, was struck while at a traffic crash on the ...
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Windows 8.1 drops built-in Facebook, Flickr in Photos app
PC Pro
The Photos app in Windows 8.1 will not automatically pull in pictures from Facebook or Flickr, Microsoft has confirmed. In Windows 8, images from connected accounts on Facebook and Flickr were automatically pulled into the Photos app - a function the ...
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Facebook Exec Escapes Disaster
Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, was supposed to be aboard the Asiana Air jetliner that crash-landed at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday morning. Sandberg and other execs at the social media giant escaped the ...
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WTF, Internet? Facebook's congratulatory overload is giving me a guilt complex
Digital Trends
Because that's where the Facebook congratulations guilt begins: With birthdays. Seriously, if you are a functioning person with a smartphone or computer and a Facebook account (maybe you're way too cool to have Facebook, way to go, good for you, do you ...
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Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg Receives Backlash After Saying She was Meant to ...
Headlines & Global News
... San Francisco International Airport on Saturday. Facebook COO and best-selling author, Sheryl Sandberg, posted a series of public status updates on her Facebook page, saying that she was supposed to be on the plane that killed two and left 180 injured.
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Facebook COO almost on the Asiana plane that crash landed
Astro Awani
KUALA LUMPUR: Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg was almost a passenger on the Asiana Airlines plane that crash landed in San Francisco on Saturday. Sanberg, on her Facebook page, said that she switched flights at the last minute so ...
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Hundred-yr-old Bengali recipes hit Facebook
Business Standard
Traditional grandma's recipes from the erstwhile 'purbobanga' figures in Facebook and notches up a record hit of 20,000 likes in just five days time, reaching out to the pizza-burger crowd. "It is amazing. To see how kalmi sag, bhaji masala, and Katla ...
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Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg missed San Francisco crash flight her friend ...
The Drum
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg narrowly missed being on the flight that crash landed at San Francisco airport on Saturday after switching flights at the last minute to air miles for her family's tickets. Sandberg re-assured her followers that her friend ...
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Blogs13 new results for Facebook
Turkey: Citizen Journalism Under Attack; Facebook Collaborates ...
While the Facebook page of the Ötekilerin Postasi had 138,000 follower/reporters, a digital lynching campaign achieved success in getting Facebook to ban the page. A Facebook notice stated that the page is no longer active and has been ...
GREYDOG's myFDL diary
Facebook COO: I Was Booked On Asiana Flight 214
By Doug Mataconis
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was originally supposed to be on the flight that crashed while landing at San Francisco International Airport.
Outside the Beltway
AT&T joins Verizon, Facebook in selling customer data | The Daily ...
By Contributing Author
AT&T has announced that it will begin selling customers' smart phone data to the highest bidder, putting the telecommunications giant in line with Verizon, Facebook and other competitors that quietly use a consumer's history for marketing ...
The Daily Sheeple
Asiana Airlines crash: Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg was ... - Zap2it
By Zap2it
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg has revealed that she was supposed to be a passenger on the Asiana Airlines flight that crash landed today in San Francisco.
This Day in Blogging History: Zombie T-rex tatt; Futuristic Tales of ...
By Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing is on Twitter and Facebook. Subscribe to our RSS feed or daily email. — POLICIES —. Please read our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Community Guidelines. Except where indicated, Boing Boing is licensed under a ...
Boing Boing
Facebook Today – July 06, 2013 at 09:03AM - Corengi Blog
By Ryan Luce
Posted at 7th July 2013 by Ryan Luce. Elliott P. Joslin was the first doctor to specialize in diabetes management. His legacy lives on today with the Joslin Diabetes Center, the world's largest diabetes research center.
Corengi Blog
For Sale: Polly's Beach House and More Readers' Listings
By hookedonhouses
Share this: Google +1 · Facebook · Twitter · Pinterest; More. Digg · Reddit · LinkedIn · StumbleUpon · Email. Tagged as: beach house in Florida, readers' houses for sale, real estate listings, real estate sampler. Layout and Design Customized ...
Hooked on Houses
I am a member of a facebook group but members cannot tag me in a ...
By Jessi Taylor
I am a member of a facebook group but members cannot tag me in a post. up vote 0 down vote favorite. How can I fix that so I can be tagged in the post? facebook ... Share a link to this question via email, Google+, Twitter, or Facebook.
Recent Questions - Web Applications...
Facebook Pages getting unpublished ! - Black Hat World
By emptyzero
Hello, i got 5 pages unpublished in 2 days, pages are between 40k and 350k. i am getting the same message and unpublish reason : pages are in the Political Niche, their is no porn no nothing, just pure ...
Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO
[Photos & Video] Nicki Minaj Hosts July 4th Myx & Mingle Cruise
By Necole Bitchie
JanieTheresa on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter. [Reply]. Vote -1 Vote +1 sexybrownpyt. July 7, 2013 at 12:16 pm. Jennifer Williams been hanging out with the Love and Hip Hop crew for awhile now, since her man was seen on the show.
GTA III Theme Song Cover | Grand Theft Auto | Know Your Meme
By Brad
Grand Theft Auto - GTA III Theme Song Cover. Video. Like Know Your Meme on Facebook! PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to ... Facebook Comments. + Add a Comment ... Video Shares. Facebook Shares Tweets ...
Know Your Meme Newsfeed
Save $2 on any one Tony Roma's Ribs Pre-Cooked Product ...
By Maygan L
coupon Facebook pages, facebook, facebook coupons, facebook deals, Facebook promotions, Northwest Coupon Blog, NW coupon blog, $2/1 tony roma's ribs, $2/1 tony roma's, tony roma's ribs, safeway, safeway ribs deal, safeway tony roma's deal, ...
Queen Bee Coupons & Savings
Daily Kos: This woman gives real meaning to standing with Texas ...
By (Egberto Willies)
As discussions centered on what was being going done after the rally, she pointed us to a Facebook post that she had written to someone who simply did not understand why Texas women were up in arms. Join me below the fold to see how ...
Daily Kos

Web3 new results for Facebook
The flight not taken: Facebook exec was almost on crashed plane ...
Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg, shown here during a technology summit in June, says she would have been on the Asiana Airlines 777 jet ...
Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg: I switched flight to SFO - Elizabeth ...
Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg said she had planned to take the flight that crashed on landing in San Francisco on Saturday. Sandberg ...
Facebook Testing Out Chatroom Feature - Technorati Social Media
Facebook is looking to compete with Google Hangouts and start their own chat- room feature. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a creepy, less private & anonymous ...

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