Saturday, August 31, 2013

Google Alert - Ubuntu

News 3 new results for Ubuntu
Hobby Engineering in Ubuntu Linux EE Times
Early in 2012, my off-lease Lenovo T60 notebook computer's hard drive finally decided to give up the ghost. For whatever reason, I wasn't able to properly ...
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SDL 1.2 Engine - vsync issues in ubuntu
Again, it works beautifully in windows now that I have added the vsync, but it behaves the same in Linux (Ubuntu 12.10) regardless of the vSync being set.
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VMware, Microsoft Clouds Need Red Hat Linux Talkin' Cloud
VMware (VMW) vCloud Hybrid Service appears set to support such Linux distributions as SUSE, Ubuntu and CentOS. Somewhat similarly, Microsoft (MSFT) ...
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Blogs 5 new results for Ubuntu
Software Store for Click packages now open for testing! | Ubuntu ...
After many months of hard work, I'm very proud to be announcing a beta launch of the click packages software store, as part of the 2013 Ubuntu App Showdown ...
Planet Ubuntu
Linuxed - Exploring Linux distros: Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS Review: With ... arindam sen
Ubuntu is and always will be a special distro to me as my experience with Linux began with Ubuntu. I used it till 11.04 release, as long as the GNOME classic ...
Linuxed - Exploring Linux distros
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Will Be Released On April 17th 2014 | Unixmen Ambition
Hello guys, it has been two days since i have talked with you from the last post and now it is time to bring something new to the table. Ubuntu fans and us.
politicartoons: The idealism of Ubuntu yes peace
The idealism of Ubuntu. "An anthropologist proposed a game to children in an African tribe. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told the children that ...
Political Cartoons
Are there any benefits of using Ubuntu on both your PC and your ... filipmedia
Are there any benefits of using Ubuntu on both your PC and your server? Are there any tools that will make this as a advantage in front of using Ubuntu on your ...
Web Hosting Talk - Web Hosting
Web 6 new results for Ubuntu
Comprehensive tools to build your cloud | Cloud | Ubuntu
Get up and running quickly with our cloud tools for your Ubuntu OpenStack cloud. We can help with deployment, service orchestration and even build you a ...
Juju | Cloud | Ubuntu
Juju is Devops Distilled - a powerful, time-saving service orchestration framework that allows developers to deploy cloud services in seconds.
MAAS | Cloud | Ubuntu
With Maas - Metal as a Service, you can ready your servers for deployment as a private cloud quickly.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Release Schedule Revealed | OMG! Ubuntu!
17th of April - that's the tentative date set for the release of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS according to an early draft of the next release schedule.
Software Store for Click packages now open for testing! | Ubuntu ...
After many months of hard work, I'm very proud to be announcing a beta launch of the click packages software store, as part of the 2013 Ubuntu App Showdown ...
Download Hadoop 0.20.2 For Ubuntu Oovoo For Ubuntu Free
vlc for ubuntu download from windows, itunes for ubuntu 11.04 free download, mysql package for ubuntu.

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